Erin Neff of Las Vegas Review-Journal i guess asked mccain about online me she seem like a poor jounalist...she kept interjecting her opinion into the me it should be just ask the questions and write up his answers...noone cares about her opinion...if she wants to state some facts that were incosistant with his opinions that would be good but her opinion to me is worthless...story below... =========================================== I asked McCain about sports betting and Internet gaming, and whether any Nevada Republicans or gaming industry representatives had approached him about those issues. "The issue of college betting is not going anywhere. ... The sports betting thing, that was over years ago," he added. "I've faced reality. It's just like with immigration reform. Americans want a secure border." On Internet gaming, McCain was just off his game. First he tried to back away from his position because he hasn't been involved in it lately. Then he said it was really fellow Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl's deal. Then he tried to find a Nevada-friendly stance. "The economy is what's hurting the gaming industry in Las Vegas today," McCain said. "It isn't sports betting or Internet gaming." Yes, but if the gaming industry could make money online, it could help the bottom line when tourists balk at spending thousands to fly here or hundreds to drive here. "Let me get back to you on it," he said. "I haven't thought about the issue." He did say he had concerns about Internet gaming originating in foreign countries. Of course, this happens because of U.S. policy and restrictions, but never mind. McCain also spoke about oversight and making sure the kiddies don't have access. "I'll call you back," he added. Could the position be evolving like so many of his others? We'll have to wait and see just how much Nevada is in play, as the election grows nearer. Contact Erin Neff at (702) 387-2906, or by e-mail at

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  • that is the problem it does not matter what this book says since most of it is garbage...most people have never read the bible...and they pic and choose what that want to believe out of it...

    religous types love to quote

    Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination

    but i never hear about...

    exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death

    stone to death is big misbehaving children, anyone who believe in another god,

    Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)

    god does not do as he says so why should you...there hundred of quotes in there that contradict the other...

    Genesis 2:17- But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Genesis 5:5- And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

    Deuteronomy 22:28-29 says if i rape your virgin daughter i will marry her and you will pay me 50 shickles of silver for humbling her


    Matthew 18:19 Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven

    so all you have to do is get one other person to ask jesus to appear on perspective weekly next week to perform a few raise mother tereasa from the dead (that seems noble)...and evreyone will believe...otherwise the bible does not mean what it says.
  • Well, I've been in church all my life. And I can assure you that no where in the good book does it say ONE WORD about gambling being "evil"... so they can all blow it out there holy butts.

    Obama will be the next US President. I am almost certain of it.
  • about these people

    j.todd said "In my opinion, any candidate who thinks and operates like Goodlatte, Kyl, Frist, or Bachus is almost as bad for freedom and liberty in this country as electing Adolf himself."

    well these people say they believe in god and use thier god as shields to protect thier rediculous opinions...gambling is evil my "god" says so...

    James Buchanan - I have seldom met an intelligent person whose views were not narrowed and distorted by religion

    Thomas Jefferson - Political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves [of public ignorance] for their own purpose

    Thomas Jefferson - History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.

    Zora Neale Hurston - Gods always behave like the people who created them
  • well i know 99.9% sure...that obama will win the eletoral vote in my state of new i do have freedom to vote for not one of the 2 major canidates.

    if i was the decider of this i would go for obama just by a slight margin...either one will do the same basicly...

    nancy peloci and the democrats said she was going to end the war and they had an enegy bill...guess what the democratic congress sent up money to keep funding the war multiple times...and no energy bill has been produced from nancy...i went to her website under energy independence ... 2 paragraphs of saying that the rebublicans wanting oil drilling would not help and it would take 10 years to see any effects ect bashing republicans helps...

    she then says how they raised gas mpg for cars to 35miles a gallon by how will this help? by 2020 cars will get 35mile a gallon anyway just by pure demand for it...and the same loopholes for suv and trucks are probably still in it...

    neither the dems or republicans have a good energy policy

    obama will keep 10 of thousands of troops in and around iraq. obama will just be slightly less likely to invade iran... but a military strike is probably by both canidates if israel does not do it 1st...all depending iran

    obama would pick more liberal court justices but mccain choice would not be to exstream

    economy is given way to much credit to the president...clinton had a good economy large do to a computer tech boom over inflated statements it just colasped when bush was in office neither person had anything to do with can blame carter reagon bush,clinton,and bush2 and the mostly democratic congresses for decades for the bad energy policy..plenty of blame to go around does anyone have a solution....don't say how bad someelse did it say what (xyz) person is going to do about it!!!

    universal healthcare or social security reform does not seem to be any issue anymore... unlikely either will do much about it...

    if you join the miltary today your likely to be fighting in a war for the next 4 years regardless who is president..iraq afganastan iran any many other small conflicts that evrey president gets himself into

    so since basicly both canidates will do the same thing regardless of what they say i would decide my vote and more importanly tell others who have more say based on internet poker issue alone
    ...but i would be fool hardy to think either are going to take a stance on it...i am just looking for a "tell"...

    we have troops in about 130 to about 145 countries we have a foothold in iraq we are not leaving after investing billions into permanent bases there...and about 20,000 troops floating around in the oceans and seas...we occupy these contries to have influence...

    ok i might of rambled a bit but basicly i am ready to gamble on obama but mccain would be ok too...people just need to end the over the top rheteric that mccain is adolf hitler or obama is a don't change one mind with comments like that...
  • We've always admitted that:

    1) There are many more important issues than online gaming... and...

    2) This issue is much bigger than online gaming...

    In my opinion, any candidate who thinks and operates like Goodlatte, Kyl, Frist, or Bachus is almost as bad for freedom and liberty in this country as electing Adolf himself.

    So no, it's not about gambling... but yes, it is about the thoughts and processes they used to take it away from us.
  • Deb, the post, " So, you having trouble deciding on a candidate, which do you prefer, casino pit games or cards?" is tounge in cheek.

    Yes, there are serious problems, the idea is to show gambling wise they are really no different with the mentality do as I say, not as I do.

    I advocate no position to others, however, personally I will not be voting for either.

  • Well as much as I want online gaming to be legalized and regulated by U.S., there are more important issues right now in our country so I will not be choosing the best candidate to legalize online gambling (not that either one are for or against it) but the one to get our country back on track.

    I think alot of players voted straight democratic parties last election because all the poker forums told them that is what was best for online gambling which gave the Democrats control of Congress and that has never been good for this country.

    Please remember all when you go to vote, this country is in trouble, don't just vote because of one issue.

    My vote goes to McCain !!!
  • Another very good story in a Minnesota paper has a very good view of poker versus craps and puts poker in a good light.

    So, you having trouble deciding on a candidate, which do you prefer, casino pit games or cards?

    Two of a kind these two!

    I know, maybe they can each select the other as a running mate, the winner gets to run the White House Whale room, the loser gets to turn Congress into a casino.
    I can see the House as a slots type room, the Senate a card room.

    Rake the games, take a cut from the slots, payoof the national debt, meanwhile those in congress are free to do no more harm!

  • I saw a piece about LAs Vagas gambling returns in my local paper (only 20,000 kms away from the action !) just last night.

    It went through the usual bit about Vegas hurting but then it included a final sentence that said ...

    "experts say that LAs Vegas is more vulnerable because casinos have diversified so much into areas such as luxury boutiques that about 60 per cent of revenues now come from non-gaming".

    So the Vegas answer seems to be the old one ... "it's the economy stupid" ...
  • well this is the best republican canidate that really had a good chance to get elected for online poker...ron paul was just too radical for most...i think obama and mccain really wont make to much of a difference for online gambling

    if a demcratic congress can get a bill up to obama i would not see him vetoing it even though obama has said he does not think online gambling can be regulated...

    with mccain i think most likely he would sign a bill too...he seems to seperate himself from jon kyle...mccain actually has been known to play craps for 14 hour stints with Wes Gullet an old friend and gambling buddy of John McCain. Gullet was McCain's campaign manger and top senate staffer and is now a lobbyist. so mccain has no problem with gambling...

    mccain did not like college sports were being bet on since it could be very likely that games could be fixed since the players were not getting payed and could be easily corrurpted (mccain has giving up on that fight)...he also had a thing for boxing and did not like boxers were getting mistreated...but boxing has been replaced by MMA so it pretty much lost it luster...

    as a poker player as of right now i have no problem playing i would like to see partypoker primapoker skins come back since they had the easiest poker bonus to clear but i almost fear what the government might come up with as restrictions to online poker/gambling...
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