I'll catch some heat on all this.. and maybe some traffic too ";)" But here it goes.. With a PUSH to get back into the GAME from a few of my friends... (poker site game) I started a new web site for players... I want to try and get people talking about CHANGE. No. Not Barack Obama change. (Like you really think AMERICA not going to be LOOKING for the SAME SORTA CHANGE in 4 years?) I'm talking CHANGE in the online poker world.... I'm talking PLAYERS coming together and taking on the BIG DOGS.. I'm talking about players KNOWING for sure that the system in place that delivers the cards or action is without a doubt. Safe. I think this system can be put in place. (I actually think it might even already be out there) We won't get there unless we take the first step. The truth is out there... For a LONG WINDED version (a collective gripe against online poker) Please visit - http://www.xfilespoker.com


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  • Well JTodd..

    It needs it!

    Years ago - I owned a site with 1500 members - about 300 of which were super active - shut it down due to the UIEGA crap -

    xfilespoker.com is my LAST ditch effort to rally people around the idea of demanding a better system.

    I have "5" count em... "5" new memebrs in 5 days.. Not a bad start.

    I'd like it very much if you would pop in over and give us your thoughts and who knows maybe a blessing.

    Poker needs CHANGE too!

    JTodd said:
    Hi Tom,

    Watch this week's video. I think that change you want is a lot closer than you think... and with some allies you never expected! =0)
  • Hi Tom,

    Watch this week's video. I think that change you want is a lot closer than you think... and with some allies you never expected! =0)
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