WARNING: Vegas Affiliates

Over the past several months we have been watching the Vegas Affiliates situation unfold as they decided to change their Terms and Conditions in the same manner a lot of programs have done this year. There was one issue, however, which we felt were not within the scope of APCW to investigate or complain about: The bundling of casino properties players on commission reports. The reasons we felt this was not an issue to fight Vegas Affiliates on were: 1) That there was no agreement in their Terms and Conditions which promised no bundling. Therefore this change was not a retroactive T&C alter. 2) Vegas Affiliates was one of the last programs that was not bundling, and it seemed unfair to us to hold them to a higher standard than their competitors. ==================================================== That being said, it has since come to our attention that affiliate managers at Vegas Affiliates have been engaged in threats made to their webmaster partners which stem from what they view as "negative comments on public forums. These webmasters have been told that commissions and or players could be taken from them if they did not stop publicly questioning and ridiculing the actions of the Vegas Affiliates program. The APCW takes these actions very, very seriously. And just this week reports have started to come in that these threats have indeed been acted upon, and webmasters are missing commissions. Therefore, the APCW is issuing a warning about the Vegas Affiliates until they chose to address these issues and deal with us and other webmasters in a professional way. You may also search our forums and video archives for other information on Vegas Affiliates, and the negative audit we conducted on them in 2008. .

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